Week 1: June 21-25, 9AM-3PM
Theme: Spy Camp
Week 2: June 28-July 2, 9AM-3PM
Theme: Toy Workshop
Cost per Week: (includes all supplies, snacks and lunch): $675
Round-Trip Bus Transportation (San Francisco to MCDS): TBD There will be an additional cost per week for this service.
Indexed tuition is available. Each family must pay at least the $325 deposit. Please contact Teri Eddy at teddy@mcds.org for additional indexed tuition, after you have completed that registration form.
Additional Program Details
- Two one-week programs, running Monday-Friday, 9AM to 3PM. Week 1 is June 21-25, 2021. Week 2 is June 28-July 2, 2021.
- Hours: 9:00AM – 3:00PM each day
- Program cost: Tuition: $675 per week ($325 non-refundable deposit). Transportation to and from San Francisco is available for and additional cost (TBD). Indexed tuition is available.
- 40 rising 3rd-6th grade students from MCDS, which includes new incoming students as well.
- 1:5 staff/student ratio
- Students will work in mixed grade-level cohorts
- 2021 Theme: Week 1: “Spy Camp” and Week 2 “Toy Workshop”