Kite Day
Community Dinner Dance
Book Fair
K-5 Walkathon
There are several community-wide special events celebrated throughout the school year. These events provide ample opportunity for parents to volunteer their time and talents and become involved in the life of the school. Events such as Kite Day, the Book Fair and Step-Up Day are longstanding, cherished traditions at MCDS.
Kite Day
The first Kite Day took place in 1957. Now, over 50 years later, this fun-filled day features games and activities, a picnic lunch and, of course, kite flying!
2024-25 Kite Day: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Book Fair
The Book Fair has been a cherished tradition at MCDS since 1958, celebrating our community’s love for books and reading. This lively, week-long event kicks off with a festive Opening Night party, features a special luncheon with a noted author, and includes exciting student assemblies with visiting authors. Proceeds from the Book Fair directly support the MCDS Library.
2024-25 Book Fair Week: Friday, December 6 - Thursday, December 12, 2024 (moved to December for this year only - will return to November in 2025-26)
Grandparents and Special Friends Day
Each November grandparents and special friends are welcomed to campus for classroom visits and a lively musical performance by students.
2024-25 GPSF Day: Friday, November 22, 2024
Community Dinner Dance and Online Auction
Each spring, we come together to celebrate and build community with a dinner dance and paddle raise in support of indexed tuition. An Online Auction runs simultaneously.
Since the school's founding in 1956, a commitment to inclusion has been an essential part of our philosophy and school culture. The MCDS community, and every student's educational experience, is enriched by a mix of families from economically diverse backgrounds. Your support is an important part of this vigorous fundraising program and makes a profound difference to the MCDS community.
2024-25 CDD: Saturday, April 26, 2025
2024-25 Online Auction: Opens Thursday, April 24, 2025
Students in grades K-5 participate in the Walkathon each spring by running, walking and skipping around the lower field. Proceeds from this event support indexed tuition.
2024-25 Walkathon: Friday, May 16, 2025
Step-Up Day
Step-Up Day is a joyous occasion at MCDS. The entire community gathers to celebrate the accomplishments of the school year. Eighth graders "step up" and off to high school and all other students "step up" to the next grade.
2024-25 Step-Up Day: Wednesday, June 4, 2025